To access our church bulletins, please click on a date below to download.
Installation of Elders & Deacons
The fall congregational meeting following the morning worship service will not be LIVE streamed.
(Veltema Baptisms)
**Reminder: There will be a Safe Church Meeting immediately following the morning worship service before Sunday School starts.
This Sunday we also look forward to celebrating the Professions of Faith of four individuals.
This Sunday will be Pastor Neil's 'Farewell Service' along with Communion.
Video links for Teaching Forums: "Biblical Case For Both Convictions on Women In Office"
- Teaching Forum -Part 1: "The Historical Conviction"
- Teaching Forum -Part 2: "The Inclusive Convicition"
**Please see a printed in-house bulletin for Directory corrections & Updates as personal information will not be posted online.
A paper copy of this letter is also available in each church mailboxe and on the information table of the fellowship hall.
"The Fruit of the Spirit: PEACE"
Due to some technical complications, we do not have video available from our 05.16.2021 service. Thankfully we DO have an audio recording of most of the service. Click here for that link.
A special thanks to those that provided this week's music:-
Young People's Praise Team (Praise & Worship)
Sally Huttenga and the children's bell-choir (Prelude)
Chase Villwock & Amy Schroeder (Piano duet)
Link to our 03.07.2021 Facebook LIVE video
Link to our 02.21.2021 Facebook LIVE video
Link to our 02.14.2021 Facebook LIVE video
Link to our 02.07.21 Facebook LIVE video
Link: When your congregation is considering a Specialized Transitional Minister (STM)
Link to our 01.24.2021 Facebook LIVE video
Link to our 01.17.2021 Facebook LIVE video.
Link to our 01.10.2021 Facebook LIVE video
There will not be video of this service.
"Will Your Anchor Hold" Video
Link to our 11.26.20 Facebook LIVE video -Thanksgiving
Link to our 11.22.2020 Facebook LIVE video.
Link to our 11.15.2020 Facebook LIVE video
Link to our 11.01.2020 Facebook LIVE video
Link to our 11.08.2020 Facebook LIVE video
Link to our 10.25.2020 Facebook LIVE video.(We are aware of the issues with the audio on this video. Thank you for your patience as we work to fix this problem.)
Link to our 10.18.2020 Facebook LIVE video
Link to our 10.11.2020 Facebook LIVE video.
Link to our 10.04.2020 Facebook LIVE video.
Link to our 9.27.2020 Facebook LIVE video.
Link to our 09.13.2020 Facebook LIVE video
Link to our 9.20.2020 Facebook LIVE video.
Link to our 09.06.2020 Facebook LIVE video
Link to our 08.30.2020 Facebook LIVE video
Link to our 08.23.20 Facebook LIVE video
Link to our Facebook LIVE video
Link to Facebook LIVE video.
Link to view Facebook LIVE video: 07.26.20 Facebook LIVELink for Audio of Service: 07.26.20 "Sting Removal"
For an audio recording of Sunday's service go to 7.19.20 AudioTo view our Facebook LIVE video go 07.19.20 Facebook LIVE
This Sunday we welcome Rev. Rod Kamrath as he leads our morning service.
Facebook Link to view video: 6.28.20 Facebook LIVE video
Facebook link to view video: 6.21.20 Facebook LIVE video
Facebook Link to view video: 6.14.20 Facebook LIVE Video